Tom Puyaubert
Tom's Wines
- Spain
- 6 wines
- 2 styles
Tom's on a mission to make you fall in love with a different side of Rioja
Despite calling it home for over 18 years, Tom is known as a foreigner in Rioja. He stands out even more by avoiding the traditional winemaking style of the area; championing instead varieties like Garnacha and Graciano.
It’s tough in Rioja at the moment. With most of the oldest (and best) vineyards belonging to the older generation whose families are now more interested in big city life. Tom says either big commercial wineries must take over or small, independent winemakers should step in and preserve the beauty and history of the land. Cue, Angel Funding!
Tom’s passion and enthusiasm for his region is infectious and he cannot wait for Angels' feedback. Hearing the opinions first hand from his ‘final judges’, as he calls them, is an opportunity he’s never had so form an orderly queue and give a big, Naked welcome to Tom.
Vineyard Location
Tom Puyaubert's Story
Tom's Story
"As soon as I heard about Naked, I thought it was a brilliant idea! I give a very big importance to the final consumer who is for me the most important critic, the final judge! Being directly connected to Angels is a real opportunity to improve my winemaking by getting direct information from my clients' feelings about the wines.
I love the fact that we, winegrowers, are the guardians of environment and countryside. We are taking care of our landscapes, we're taking care of the earth. What a great responsibility!
I fell in the "jungle" in 1996, in Raphine, Virgnia, USA. I was studying Agriculture in France (specializing in Viticulture and Winemaking) and had to do a training period abroad. I spent 4 months at Rockbridge Vineyard, a small family estate where I had to deal with viticulture, harvest, winemaking, sales at the tasting room... this experience definitely confirmed that I wanted to make wine and this way of life was the way and I wanted!
I've always felt very closed to nature and countryside, I grew in a small village in Gascony where agriculture plays a big role socially speaking. I guess that Viticulture is the only segment of agriculture where you can improve, express and enhance your product. By your work, by your inspiration you're able to create a unique product. I always say I make wine to make people happy! Isn't that the best mission you could be in charge of?
Naked asked me what made our wines special. Maybe the fact that I am a "foreigner" in Rioja, I came from Bordeaux 18 years ago and I'm certainly bringing a very different and personal vision of viticulture and winemaking. I chose to give more protagonism to varietals like Garnacha and Graciano, to systematically blend all varietals in the wines. I'm avoiding the classical style of Rioja (American oak, oxidation.)
I love Tempranillo for its texture and structure, Garnacha for its fruit and softness; Graciano impresses me because of its freshness and complexity. All Rioja is just fascinating: so many different terroirs and climates. I also feel very attracted by the white varieties. I'm sure we can make great whites in Rioja.
My biggest moments of joy have been when I have discovered a new plot to rent or buy, there are a lot of very old plots in Rioja. It's a very strange feeling when you think that 50/60 years of history are going to be part of your creation! The biggest sorrows? Better to forget them, but when you see a very old vineyard being ripped off it is hard to forget. So frustrating thinking about the wines that could have been made…
All the money I'm earning is reinvested into the vineyards. We are in a very challenging moment now in Rioja. Most of the very old (and best) vineyard belongs now to old people (>70) that can not work them any more, their sons have gone to big cities and are not interested in viticulture anymore.
So 2 options for this patrimony:
- to fall into the hands of big industrial wineries that will rip them off and plant the industrial way for massive production
- to be rescued by small independent wine makers that will recover them with the hope of making exciting top class wines.
Angel funding will help to preserve the beauty of a patrimony, of a region and environment and of course save the best grapes that can be found in Rioja.
As a small producer, we don't have many opportunities to meet our final customers. We deal with importers or distributors but we don't get the real pulse of the market. Working with Angel funding establishes a a strong and direct relation with wine lovers. This exchange is very important to adapt your work, to understand your market's needs and indeed makes it much more interesting.
First I'd like people to discover a new face of Rioja. I'd like people to fall in love with Rioja as I did myself 18 years ago. I want people to get surprised tasting a new style within the classical Rioja context.
Second, all the money that could be collected from this crowd funding activity will be reinvested in buying old vines and in that way preserve the gorgeous patrimony of Rioja."
Tom's Activity
We were able to catch up with Tom in Laguardia last week. Tom is a true 'barista' and wonderful host. We were able to try his Flor de Luna - Vendimia Seleccionada 2021 just before it was being shipped to Naked. If you like Flor de Luna you will love it!
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(latest reply 2 years ago)
Tom Puyaubert
Thank you for visiting Richard and Dreirdre!
Very excited to be shiping this new vintage within the next coming days!
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2 years ago
After 22 years in Spain, first time I see snow in April!
Climate change once again…. But a fantastic treat this time! Not only for the eyes, also for our vines!
This snow (and cold temperatures) allows the vines to keep in dormancy and delays bud-break! The best way to avoid spring frosts impact then!
This picture was taken this morning in the village of Abalos!
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(latest reply 3 years ago)
Simon (and Penny) Fisher
We know how badly.a late frost can hit the vines, fingers crossed they will soon be gone and your vines can come back to life!
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3 years ago
Helene Marie Zierl
That's so beautiful, and it's probably arrived at the right time. A slightly longer dormancy at this time of year won't do any harm at all, and the snow will actually offer some protection against a late frost. Let them sleep safe and snug for a little while longer and they'll be all the better for it. Enjoy the weather!
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3 years ago
Paul Lawton
... and nature's way of insect pest control too, Tom. 👍
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3 years ago
Hello Angels
We are done with pruning today! That was a very cold winter, we got frost every night in January until mdi february (which is good for the vines actually as they totally rest) but we had wonderfull days of sun and blue sky!
Breathing pure air and making exercise, what a great way to start 2022!
I just wanted to share with you the best pics of this pruning sesaon!
All the best!
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(latest reply 3 years ago)
Paul Lawton
There's some age to some of those vines too, Tom. Great photos. 👍
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3 years ago
Sarah Bottomley
Stunning photos Tom, thanks for taking the time to post them.
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3 years ago
Lovely light wine
I bought this thinking 'maybe'. I am SOLD! This starts with tight tannin but after 10 minutes rounds to a fab style more typical of Ribera del Duero, my favourite Spanish red that sells at far more than mere Rioja! WELL DONE TOM. Love it, am heading to order a case ❤.
We’ve tried a few white riojas and thought this tasted by far the best. One of the stand out bottles from the white case we bought a while back and we will definitely buy again.
The last bottle from my last order is this one! What a great finish, lovely drop, thanks
Didnt taste like a traditional rioja.