Naked Wines Charitable Trust

We’ve set up the Naked Wines Charitable Trust to better harness the strength of our community to give back to society

Transforming communities, improving lives

We want to create a better shared future for the communities where our Angels and our winemakers live and work.

Our aim is to have a positive impact in our communities, especially in times of need - improving lives and transforming communities - both in the UK and in winemaking regions across the world.

How we plan to help

  • Carmen’s Kids

    Over the past nine years, the Naked Wines community has donated £3,150,246 to feed regular nutritious meals to 117,929 hungry children in South Africa. Now we’re a registered charity, we can claim Gift Aid on all eligible future donations.

  • Relief for winemaking regions in need

    We want to help winemaking communities in need to rebuild their lives. Whether it’s a region that’s been ravaged by bushfires or helping with access to food, medical care or education. We want to do our bit.

  • Closer to home

    Over the years, thousands of deserving people have been touched by Angel kindness in some way… from NHS heroes and key workers, to the British Heart foundation and many more. We plan to continue supporting great causes closer to home.