Denis Crespo
Denis's Wines
- France
- 14 wines
- 6 styles
In Cairanne, Denis is a bit of a hero
- In 2015, a popular winery in the area was in a spot of bother and in need of a helping hand. Denis took up the job of winemaker and turned their old school French winery into a modern business and is already producing some spectacular wines.
- For what he has achieved, he is a very humble man who likes nothing better than a delicious meal with his family and covering some serious distance on his bike. His dream is simply to make fruity, juicy, easy-drinking wines that everyone can enjoy and he is so happy to share them with Angels.
- He was never going to be kept a secret for long and the big dogs of the industry are already cosying up to him with pleading puppy eyes. Trust us, this is just the beginning for Denis and we couldn’t be more excited!
Vineyard Location
Denis Crespo's Story
Denis' Story
"I was born in Bordeaux which is a pretty good place to start contact with the world of wines. Very young, I decided to explore this world and I studied wine for 6 years.
During this period I had an amazing professional experience, in a small family owned domaine in Châteauneuf du Pape. I became a winemaker because of this experience in Châteauneuf du Pape. I literally fell in love with the wines from Rhône and the winemaking. The passion came while during my studies.
I’m passionate about the story of winemaking, the potential of grapes, the vineyards. I believe I’m really lucky since my job is my passion- I have no regrets at all.
I love that as a winemaker, I’m a builder. In wine, you have to start from 0 every year. It is never the same. Climate changes, conditions changes, the vines change. You have to adapt constantly to express yourself in the wines.
Our approach as a cooperative is very different from others. I produce the wine like a small producer. We do not make standard wines, the wines have their own profile and character.
For me wine is not made to be kept for years in a fancy cellar. My style is to make wines that are made to drink. Wines where one glass leads you to a second glass. Wines that you drink with friends. My goal is to make wines that gives you easy, uncomplicated pleasure.
The most memorable moment in my making of wine was when I jumped from producing 1200 HL to 20 000 HL. I was feeling like a tiny little playmobil man among the enormous technical facilities… It felt like a huge mountain to climb, producing this kind of volume and keeping the same level of quality. But a good challenge gives you wings!
The way Angels can help me is not all about money. It is about supporting our enormous, human project that is to keep the village of Cairanne alive. We give work to more than 60 families all year around, to suppliers of dry goods, to harvesters etc. Together we work honestly without hierarchy, to produce quality wines ; the gratification is that our small village keeps alive, kids go to school, small shops are still around. Local people are proud of what we accomplish together.
For me personally, I can’t wait to see what the Angels think of my wine. I realy hope people in the UK will agree with my choice and approach in the style of wine. I believe my wines appeals to Naked Angel palettes. I hope I’m right :-)"