Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023

To show you the value you're getting as an Angel...

We regularly benchmark a selection of our wines against up to three comparable wines on the market. The Market Price is based on the price of those wines.

What do we mean by benchmark? We taste them blind against our own wines, or we use our market knowledge (over 40 years between us) to set an industry standard Market Price.

If you buy one of our wines and disagree with the Market Price, or it's not your cup of tea, we'll add a credit to your account. For more info, see our FAQS.

  • Dr. Edge Tasmania Pinot Noir 2023


    The Wine Society

    (As of 19/06/2024)

  • Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023


    Naked Wines

    (As of 24/06/2024)

  • Holm Oak Pinot Noir 2021


    The General Wine Company

    (As of 19/06/2024)


Angels Angel Price


To show you the value you're getting as an Angel...

We regularly benchmark a selection of our wines against up to three comparable wines on the market. The Market Price is based on the price of those wines.

What do we mean by benchmark? We taste them blind against our own wines, or we use our market knowledge (over 40 years between us) to set an industry standard Market Price.

If you buy one of our wines and disagree with the Market Price, or it's not your cup of tea, we'll add a credit to your account. For more info, see our FAQS.

  • Dr. Edge Tasmania Pinot Noir 2023


    The Wine Society

    (As of 19/06/2024)

  • Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023


    Naked Wines

    (As of 24/06/2024)

  • Holm Oak Pinot Noir 2021


    The General Wine Company

    (As of 19/06/2024)


Angels Angel Price


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Market Price
To show you the value you're getting as an Angel...

We regularly benchmark a selection of our wines against up to three comparable wines on the market. The Market Price is based on the price of those wines.

What do we mean by benchmark? We taste them blind against our own wines, or we use our market knowledge (over 40 years between us) to set an industry standard Market Price.

If you buy one of our wines and disagree with the Market Price, or it's not your cup of tea, we'll add a credit to your account. For more info, see our FAQS.

  • Dr. Edge Tasmania Pinot Noir 2023


    The Wine Society

    (As of 19/06/2024)

  • Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023


    Naked Wines

    (As of 24/06/2024)

  • Holm Oak Pinot Noir 2021


    The General Wine Company

    (As of 19/06/2024)


Angels Angel Price


Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023
To show you the value you're getting as an Angel...

We regularly benchmark a selection of our wines against up to three comparable wines on the market. The Market Price is based on the price of those wines.

What do we mean by benchmark? We taste them blind against our own wines, or we use our market knowledge (over 40 years between us) to set an industry standard Market Price.

If you buy one of our wines and disagree with the Market Price, or it's not your cup of tea, we'll add a credit to your account. For more info, see our FAQS.

  • Dr. Edge Tasmania Pinot Noir 2023


    The Wine Society

    (As of 19/06/2024)

  • Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023


    Naked Wines

    (As of 24/06/2024)

  • Holm Oak Pinot Noir 2021


    The General Wine Company

    (As of 19/06/2024)


Angels Angel Price


To show you the value you're getting as an Angel...

We regularly benchmark a selection of our wines against up to three comparable wines on the market. The Market Price is based on the price of those wines.

What do we mean by benchmark? We taste them blind against our own wines, or we use our market knowledge (over 40 years between us) to set an industry standard Market Price.

If you buy one of our wines and disagree with the Market Price, or it's not your cup of tea, we'll add a credit to your account. For more info, see our FAQS.

  • Dr. Edge Tasmania Pinot Noir 2023


    The Wine Society

    (As of 19/06/2024)

  • Beautiful Isle Peacock Pinot Noir 2023


    Naked Wines

    (As of 24/06/2024)

  • Holm Oak Pinot Noir 2021


    The General Wine Company

    (As of 19/06/2024)


Angels Angel Price


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Customer comments

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View all 10 replies… (latest reply 3 days ago)
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Jean Sheward Angel

2 weeks ago

Very light red (almost pink) with a smooth start and robust finish. Perfect companion for lamb.

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Tracy Edgar Angel

2 weeks ago

The wine was sour and acidic for my taste buds. Disappointed to say the least!

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Alison Lambert Angel

3 weeks ago

Found this a bit light and acidic for my taste. Very different to normal new world Pinot noir

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Amanda Lees Angel

3 weeks ago

I was looking forward to trying a Tasmanian pinot as I have heard such good things but unfortunately I found this wine unbalanced and pretty unpleasant and there is no way it has a market value of £24. For that you could get a far superior pinot from Oregon. As others have said, it is thin and sour and the only 'long finish' I got was a sour taste. Even for those who like 'sour cherry' I wouldn't recommend it.

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Gillian Teperek Angel

1 month ago

Wondering if there are some "bad" bottles. Hard to imagine anybody liking the one we had. Taste reminiscent of some of the more extreme "natural" wines I've tasted. Thin, sour, yuk. Tried to have it with Duck on Christmas Day. Nobody liked it, poured nearly half away. Naked Wines have already refunded me, thanks.

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Russell Patmore Angel

1 month ago

Quite shocked by the negative reviews. I enjoyed this light, fruity pinot. It is light and refreshing but it has loads of flavour and a surprising amoint of depth.

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Martin Macdonald Angel

2 months ago

Difficult bouquet (old socks), and bitter in the middle. Maybe a bit too young! Takes my wife back to the days of playing outside a tannery. Disappointing as I love pinot noir.

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David Ilari Angel

2 months ago

Too acidic, with strange flavours. It was unfortunately rejected by everyone at the Christmas table!

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