Peter and Barbara Klein
Peter and Barbara's Wines
- Germany
- 6 wines
- 4 styles
This brother and sister winemaking team are smashing stereotypes with beautiful, clean wines
- Peter Klein won the second place in Germany's Young Winemaker of the Year competition, alongside his equally talented sister Barbara, they make a dream team
- Peter and Barbara's Riesling Trocken, is a Classic German Riesling on the dry side
- Winemaking simply flows through their blood, they are the 14th Generation of Klein's working as a winemaker, producing wine is part of their family heritage and make up
Vineyard Location
Peter and Barbara Klein's Story
Peter & Barbara Klein's Story
"Growing up in an over 350 year old family estate really influences you without really knowing it. So after school there was no wish of being a fireman or beauty queen. No, the wish was to start making your own wine.
Working in and next to mother nature is a privilege that not every job gives you. Every day is a part of a creative process that will end in a nice chilled bottle of good wine. The great thing is that you can influence that process with your daily work. So all in all it´s a very intensive but fulfilling passion, Barbara has been making wine since 2006 and I (Peter) have been making wine since 2008.
Every day of making wine has a new challenge, so it will never get boring. But to be honest, the best part is, the smile of a happy customer drinking your wine.
Of course every passionate winemaker sets his full energy in his wine to get the best possible result. The same with our wines but we would like to get a step further. We would like to give the wine drinker with our wines an idea of our region, our soils, the climate of the year – so all in all we want our wines to tell a liquid story of its origin.
We are located in the Pfalz, that´s South West Germany and the nickname of this region is Tuscany of Germany. The reason is Kiwi, figs, and a lot of other fruit are getting ripe here. So we are able to grow a lot of different varieties but of course the main one is the Riesling, we produce in different qualities.
Every day in the summer the sky is getting grey and thunderstorms coming up, we are sweating for our harvest. 2013 we had a bad one 10 days before the beginning of the harvest and that ruined one third of the crop. As the weather is getting more and more extreme these days, we have a lot of days crossing the fingers for healthy grapes. On those days only a good bottle of wine keeps us calm ;-)
We have so much ideas of great wines to put into effect in the future, that we want to share with all the great angels. Angel funding really helps us, it´s not possible only with the passion we both have.
Angels always ask how we started working with Naked. Long story short, Rowan the founder of Naked drank one of our Rieslings and was so excited about it that we met a few days later. And that was the beginning of sharing our wines with tons of great people.
For us the biggest difference working with Naked Angels is getting direct reactions on your wines. Being in contact with the Angels makes it easier to understand their tastes and also their questions about your wine.
Getting this feedback also influences the work for the new vintage. Cause only happy customers make a happy winemaker
I know that German wines still have a bad image in the UK. They used to be sweet, lame and very old fashioned. But with us, the new winemaker generation this picture of German wines is over, that is a big part, that we want to accomplish. With our wines, we want to show the Angels the new modern German winestyle."