Naked Winemaker

Olly Masters

New Zealand


Olly's Wines

  • New Zealand
  • 1 wine
  • 1 style

Say hello to our new Kiwi legend Olly Masters...

  • Olly Masters has built a rep as one of New Zealand’s finest winemakers and wine judges. For the last 10 years he’s been making his jaw-dropping wines at the world-famous Ata Rangi.
  • So when we got a tip off from his mate, Rod ‘the God’ Easthope, that Olly was itching to go it alone... we hopped straight on the blower.
  • Olly’s got a secret knack for turning the world’s trickiest grape into liquid gold. He’s a genius. He’s got more degrees than a thermometer, and has spent 30 years making world-class kit in Hawke’s Bay, Burgundy, and Martinborough where he was winemaking at Ata Rangi for over 10 years.

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