Brewdog Brewery



MARTIN AND I (JAMES) WERE BORED OF THE INDUSTRIALLY BREWED LAGERS AND STUFFY ALES THAT DOMINATED THE UK BEER MARKET. We decided the best way to fix this undesirable predicament was to brew our own. Consequently in April 2007 BrewDog was born. Both only 24 at the time, we leased a building in Fraserburgh, got some scary bank loans, spent all our money on stainless steel and started making some hardcore craft beers. We brewed tiny batches, filled bottles by hand and sold our beers at local markets and out of the back of our beat up old van. Our biggest mission when we set up BrewDog was to make other people as passionate about great craft beer as we are. And that is still our biggest mission today.

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Balmacassie Drive, AB41 8BX,

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helen Bevis Angel Nanny State

8 years ago

a fanatastic tasting non alchol alternative to beer.

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Hari Patel Angel 5AM Saint

8 years ago

Great tasting Amber Ale

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enjoyable hoppy drink with crisp grapefruit taste

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I've been drinking bottles of this and love the citrus flavour!

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Like the blurb says this is exceedingly hoppy and bitter. Very tasty. Also very expensive. Hardcore IPA is similar and costs far less. However it's well worth a try if you fancy splashing the cash.

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Elle Overvoorde Naked Staff Jack Hammer

8 years ago

Sampled a can at poker night- Still can't decide what I think. I think it was more interesting than tasty. Just a little bit too lingering and bitter for my taste but I really enjoyed the fruity hit.

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Peter Broughton Angel Punk IPA

8 years ago

Great beer - this is what the hype is about!

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Gareth Horton Angel Punk IPA

8 years ago

Kick ass IPA

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Gareth Horton Angel Elvis Juice Cans

8 years ago

Utterly monstrous Grapefruit tones and full IPA flavours deliver with a sledge hammer rather than anything subtle. It's possibly the best beer this side of Memphis

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