Naked Winemaker

Dom Maxwell

New Zealand


Dom's Wines

  • New Zealand
  • 9 wines
  • 5 styles

One of New Zealand's most talented and respected winemakers

  • Dom is one of the best winemakers in New Zealand. He was voted New Zealand Winemaker of the Year in 2018 and 2011, he also won the prestigious Decanter International Trophy for Pinot Noir in 2014.
  • We had a nod from Rod Easthope that Dom wanted to break free, become an independent winemaker and create a brighter future for his family. Frankly it was a chance we couldn't pass up.
  • Dom has made wine for some exceptional Kiwi wineries, including Muddy Water and Greystone. Now he's able to put his own name on the label to make wines for himself and for you.

Dom's Activity