Green Fingers

Green Fingers

Started 27/05/2020 by Dominique B


Hello green fingered wine lovers 🌿🌺

A place to share your gardening tips, tricks and hacks! #plantsofnaked

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Karl Moore Naked Staff

3 years ago

Corrr what a cold snap! - Lets hope this is gone by the long Easter weekend. I want to get back out in the garden!

View all 6 replies… (latest reply 3 years ago)
Karl Moore Naked Staff

Urgh horrible Paul! High 20's and wall to wall sunshine for me :)

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3 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

Where are you Karl? I haven't bothered renewing my passport since 2020!

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Karl Moore Naked Staff

I just realised how my reply read haha I wish I was somewhere hotter Paul! - Alas, chilly Norwich here in East Anglia

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3 years ago
Julie Boulton Angel

I hope it warms up well before Easter!
I made good progress last weekend, but now...

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3 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

I believe that things should be getting warmer, after tonight, Julie. My flattened my daffodils and narcissi are perking up again, now that the snow is off of them and I have been amazed at the hardiness/resilience shown by a pot of French/Spanish Lavender, that I have just outside my patio doors, which has been flowering all Winter. 👍

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3 years ago
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Julie Boulton Angel

3 years ago

Question for all you wildlife experts.
I found a ladybird on a cushion (yes, indoors!) this morning. I have carefully placed the cushion half outside through the patio doors, but it's refusing to budge, even when the sun comes out.

Isn't it rather unusual to see a ladybird at this time of year?
Should I wrap it in a blanket to keep it warm?
It keeps wandering back in!

View all 6 replies… (latest reply 3 years ago)
Julie Boulton Angel

Cheers Ray!
I guess I'll find a blanket then...

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3 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

I think a cool, but frost-free place like a garden shed will give it it's best chance of going back into "hibernation" (diapause) Julie. There are no aphids around at this time of the year, which make up their normal diet, so it's go into a dormant state, or else, for ladybirds. 👍🐞

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3 years ago
Julie Boulton Angel

I've put it on a blanket and could place the blanket in the shed perhaps Paul?

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3 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

That would work, Julie, it will, hopefully, find a spot in your shed in which to overwinter. 👍

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3 years ago
Nancy Steele Angel

Yes Paul’s right, a shed is the best place for it to help it overwinter. Good luck!

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3 years ago
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Sarah Bottomley Angel

4 years ago

@Paul, as you know from FB, I had lunch at the Swan, Maybury (on the border of Cheshire and Shropshire) yesterday. The gardens (and food and wine!) were fantastic, and there were a lot of butterflies (including the Red Admiral on the side of my car when I was about to leave). 🦋🍷😇💙

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Ray Bowen Angel

Butterflies love Buddleja Sarah.

Thanks for the pub recommendation too, it isn't too far from us so may give it a whirl one of the days.

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4 years ago
Sarah Bottomley Angel

There are three under the same ownership Ray - the Black Bear at Whitchurch (where we were originally intending to meet) the Hare (somewhere nearer to Chester) and the Swan at Marbury (only 3 miles from Whitchurch). We chose the Swan as it had parking on site, which was important as one of my friends can't walk far as a result of a stroke. There is a lovely church and a Mere - it is all very pleasant.

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4 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

Thanks for posting, Sarah. I still feel like there haven't been so many butterflies about this Summer, when compared to past years. I hope this is just a temporary "blip". Glad you had a great time - and meal - with your friends. 👍

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4 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

The sunshine has brought the butterflies out today like goals at the Etihad, Sarah. I've seen Peacocks, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, Tortoiseshells and Cabbage Whites, in fact a butterfly species for every City goal?

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4 years ago
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Paul Lawton Angel

4 years ago

I have seen my first Red Admiral butterflies of 2021 today - I was beginning to give up on them - but, if there are any about, they can't resist a buddleia.

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Sarah Bottomley Angel

I have seen a few here Paul. 🦋

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4 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

I thought, with the hot weather we'd been having lately, I'd have seen my first one by now, Sarah. Nice to see them, better late than never.👍

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4 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

I finally saw my first Peacock butterfly of the year yesterday - no shortage of bees - but butterfly numbers definitely down this year.😢

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Paul Lawton Angel

4 years ago

Just a few pictures from the garden, before the thunderstorms hit over the weekend - there is even beauty in the flowers of the humble potato. In order, a Shamrock, Eye Of The Tiger and Many Happy Returns roses, a Peony, a rose (which will rename un-named until I can read its label) and the flower of a Charlotte potato.

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Sarah Plant Angel

Beautiful flowers Paul. I love potato flowers as well 😊

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4 years ago
Paul Lawton Angel

Thank you Sarah. Another "plus" with potato flowers, is that when they die off, it is nature's indicator that the potatoes will soon be ready for digging! 😋

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4 years ago
Julie Boulton Angel

You certainly have green fingers Paul. A lovely selection!

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4 years ago
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Sarah Bottomley Angel

4 years ago

I don't know what has come over me. This morning I was pleased that it was raining when I woke up (?!!), as my garden and lawns need the water!

I have also been popping outside between showers to dead head my hanging baskets and move some of my (many!) Dahlias and Cosmos. They were taking over my "seating area" and when there was no room to put my Pimms down (let alone room for my table!) I decided that enough was enough!

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Sarah Bottomley Angel

4 years ago

My battle to remove the dead honeysuckle to make room for my portable greenhouse. It's never dull here!

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Sarah Bottomley Angel

The photos don't tell the whole story. It was water logged and there was a very unpleasant smell! The roots had grown through the gravel, hence the need for a spade. I thought I was never going to be able to move it!

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Sarah Bottomley Angel

4 years ago

So I have completed the next step "pricking out" my Dahlia and Cosmos seedlings. The Dahlias seem fine but the Cosmos were floppy, so I spent ages (and I mean ages!) propping them up with cocktail sticks, which was very laborious and incredibly fiddly! Only to discover when catching up with Gardeners World (I am a couple of weeks behind!) that Monty says it doesn't matter if they are floppy at this stage!

I realise I should have caught up before using the cocktail sticks (hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it?) however at least I will have the straightest Cosmos in Saddleworth (and possibly the world!)

I didn't realise that a pack of seeds would grow so many plants - they are taking over my conservatory! So I have ordered a portable greenhouse. When Monty said "I'm going to grow a few Dahlias why don't you join me?" it seemed like a good idea. I didn't realise they were going to take over my home and my life! 😉🌱🌷🤞

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Sarah Plant Angel

Well done Sarah! Pricking out is one of the most boring and back breaking of tasks, but you do feel relieved once it's done.
Your Cosmos seedlings should recover and it's probably just the case of transplant shock.
I've just divided up 5 courgette and 6 cucumber seedlings today. My courgettes have decided to flop, but I'm sure will recover and have given them a long plastic label tag to lean on.
In another week or so I need to prick out a forest of tomato and basil seedlings 😬

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4 years ago
Sarah Bottomley Angel

Not sure where I am going to put them all Sarah, and when I tried to remove my dead honeysuckle to make room for my portable greenhouse, it had grown through the tacky plastic pot I bought before I knew better, so I have had a struggle to move it - but I triumphed in the end! I didn't even know what a Dahlia was until I saw Arthur Parkinson a few months ago on Gardeners World (he is such a sweetie, what a lovely young man!) and now I adore their flamboyance! But I won't be getting any chickens (he loves chickens) as don't like eggs and find birds creepy. Your vegetables sound fantastic!

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4 years ago
Sarah Bottomley Angel

I have got 58 Dahlias and 86 Cosmos (from one packet of seeds for each @ 99p!) Not sure where I am going to plant them all. 🙃💐🤞💙

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4 years ago
Sarah Plant Angel

Oh wow! That's really good going! I caught that episode as well about the Dahlias 😊 There's a guy a couple of villages away that was on Gardeners World a few years ago that is Dahlia obsessed as well and has won many awards; they are a beautiful plant and love the flower head intricate symmetric patterns.

I'm definitely not doing half as many veggies this year (skipping chillies and aubergines as they didn't do so well last year) and started really late, but the night frosts have been so unpredictable this year. I'm sure there will still be enough growing months to get some courgettes, cucumbers and tomatoes rippened.
Not sure what I'm going to do with the 5 courgettes seedlings I have. My dad is fortunate to have an allotment and may have some room for them 😊

Happy growing 🌱 and have a good week.

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4 years ago
Sarah Bottomley Angel

You too chick. 🍷💙💐😊

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Sarah Bottomley Angel

4 years ago

Well my seeds are coming along nicely. I will have to watch Gardeners World to see what to do next! 🌱💐🤞

(latest reply 4 years ago)
Paul Lawton Angel

A bit of pricking out and potting on, possibly Sarah. Still a bit too much of the threat from frost damage for planting outside up our way.👍

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4 years ago
Sarah Bottomley Angel

Thanks Paul, yes it has been like Winter here today - cold, rain, hail and blowing a gale!

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4 years ago
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